Every year, in May, the National Defense Transportation commemorates the transportation services in the United States. In the US it is federal observance day, though it is not a public holiday as all businesses are functioning. Any society’s operations and infrastructure rely heavily on its transportation sectors. Appropriate transportation services save time and money for the general population and they also provide better living standards for the whole country. This day highlights the dedication of workers in the transportation sector to their professions. During the day, several activities are lined up, such as special recognition events, school contests, etc.

In 1957, president Dwight D. Eisenhower first signed into a resolution the National Defense Transportation Day. in 1962, the resolution was updated by Congress announcing a National Defense Transportation Week in May. Depending on when the third Friday of May takes place the week falls on different days each year. The day aims to celebrate the transportation sector’s various societal contributions. In 1968, president Lyndon B. Johnson in his speech credited the country’s fast growth and progress to its transportation system. The president mentioned that, 100 years ago, the average American needed four weeks to travel from San Francisco to NYC. Developments in the system of transportation reduced the traveling time to just 10 days.
A good deal of the US economy depends on the transportation sector, not only because of the ordinary person’s regular usage of the services but also because of the building and maintenance costs that each year the sector incurs. In order to work efficiently, the transportation services must always be kept up to date. In addition, the operating personnel must be adequately rewarded for their day-in and day-out services to society. Accordingly, transport expos, special ceremonies, contests, etc. are held in order to recognize the significance of the transportation sector.
Timeline of National Defense Transportation Day
1811–1834 (Inauguration of National Road) – The United State’s first federally funded road was completed. It connects eastern Maryland and Pennsylvania to the western states such as Illinois and Indiana.
1869 (First Transcontinental Road) – A rail worker drove the Golden Spike into place in Utah. The first transcontinental railroad was completed joining Central Railroads and Union Pacific.
1962 (National Defense Transportation Week) – In order to make it a week instead of just a day, Congress amended and updated the National Defense Transportation Day resolution.
1900s–2000s (Commercial Flights Popularity) – The aviation industry has been growing steadily and becoming popular with the masses.

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FAQs of National Defense Transportation Day
1) When does National Defense Transportation Day take place?
National Defense Transportation Day takes place in May, every third Friday.
2) How is National Defense Transportation Day celebrated?
The National Defense Transportation day is celebrated by the commemoration of certain ceremonies that involve award events with special guest speakers, transport expos, etc. Many schools organize poster and debate competitions as well that are centered around the day.
3) What is the most used transportation system in the United States?
The most used transportation vehicles in the United States are Cars, trucks, and vans, making up 85% of the total commuters.
Ways To Celebrate National Defense Transportation Day
Acknowledge the transportation employees – Honor and celebrate the transportation sector’s people. Recognize their services and uncompromising dedication to their work throughout the year. They provide us with a better lifestyle and make society a better place to live in.
Find out information about the transportation sector – Get more information about the transportation sector and its internal workings. You will be advancing your general understanding of the industry and will learn to appreciate all of the complexities.
Outspread awareness – By using the internet you can outspread awareness about the day. Commence a conversation with the people around you. Partake in the special ceremonies taking place in honor of the day.
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5 Interesting Facts About the Aviation Industry
1) One of the considerable used – Airplanes are one of the considerably used transportation systems, as there’s an 82% rate of occupancy.
2) 5% of the world population have flown – the World’s population’s only about 5% has had the opportunity to fly in a plane. Most people from underdeveloped regions have either never flown or will not have the opportunity to fly in their lives.
3) Airplane age is not measured by time – The age of an airplane is measured by the number of times it has gone through a pressurized cycle which puts “stress” on the fuselage.
4) Between space and earth – Below the Kármán line, at an altitude of 295,000 feet, a flying jet can cruise. The Kármán line is the official border between our planet and outer space.
5) Expensive olives – In 1987, American Airlines saved $40,000 by simply removing an olive from the first-class salad menu.

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Importance of National Defense Transformation day
It is a celebration of an essential sector – There is no suspicion that the transportation sector is a vital industry for any country. It gains revenue and provides a boost to the economy and the overall GDP. Cutting down on money and time also helps the general population in their day-to-day lives.
It is a celebration of transportation workers – The transportation workers operate relentlessly to provide us with the best services. National Defense Transportation Day calls for appreciating the employees’ dedication to their jobs and the services they provide for society every day of the year.
It is a celebration of human advancements – In the transportation sector, the invention of the wheel was a game-changer. Ever since, humans have come a long way with the clever inventions of cars, trucks, buses, ships, boats, etc. Today, by sending rocket ships into outer space and to other planets we are aiming for the stars.