International Red Panda Day

Every year, on September 18, International Red Panda Day is celebrated. This day is observed in order to spread awareness concerning yet another species that are near extinction. The Red Panda Network launched this day in 2010 and in September of that very year, the first international Red Panda Day was celebrated. Since then, due to global warming and climate change, the need to continue honoring the day has only increased. If you desire to be a part of the cause, all you are required to do is celebrate International Red Panda Day and do all in your power to play a positive role in the preservation of the species.

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International Red Panda Day


These adorable creatures reside in the Eastern Himalayas region of the world. More specifically in Nepal, China, and Bhutan. Like hundreds of other animals on Earth, unfortunately, this species faces a threat of extinction as well. If you ask why? The answer is simple, our mankind is to blame! Humans have provoked such environmental degradation that red pandas who reside in bamboo trees, can’t find any trees they can nest on. Human activities that have endangered the survival of this species involve habitat destruction, trafficking, and poaching. As a matter of fact, red panda fur is also trafficked to make clothing and hats. Because of these factors, according to a report, red pandas are “legally protected in Bhutan, Nepal, India, Myanmar, and China.” Another report that concentrates on the preservation of animals highlighted the problem of declining the population of red pandas to be “weak law enforcement and poor preservation awareness.”

In the Himalayas, red pandas are often hunted because there is a weak law and order situation for the protection of the species. Moreover, the government of Nepal doesn’t have adequate funds to research how the species can be rescued. This is why the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List classifies red pandas as “endangered.” World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is also constantly working for the red pandas.

Here is some information that can be interesting for you. Red pandas are as small as a house cat and they are not related to giant pandas. The animal helps to keep the ecosystem vibrant according to the Red Panda Network.

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Timeline of International Red Panda Day

1853 (The Great Discovery) – Red pandas were discovered.

2008 (The Red Flag) – Red pandas became endangered.

2009 (Sweet News) – Researchers found out that red pandas like artificial sugar.

2013 (New Arrivals) – The red pandas arrived at Drusillas Park.

International Red Panda Day

FAQs about International Red Panda Day

What is a red panda’s natural habitat?

Areas such as the Eastern Himalayas, in particular, places like Nepal, China, and Bhutan are natural habitats for red pandas.

What animals eat red pandas?

Predators such as the snow leopard and occasionally martens eat red pandas.

Are red pandas rare?

Red pandas are very rare. Nowadays, there are less than 10,000 red pandas in the wild.

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How to Celebrate International Red Panda Day

Spread the message

Pass on the message about the extinction and significance of red pandas and how people can protect them. Try to spread the message among as many people as you can.

Donate to charities concentrated on protection

While spreading the message about saving the species, also donate a specific amount to charities that are focused on creating an environment where red pandas can survive and reproduce.

Share on social media

Share posts, and news about red pandas on social media. The concept behind the day is to spread awareness concerning the species.

5 Interesting facts about Red Pandas

Plant-eating carnivores

Red pandas are considered carnivores, though they love to eat bamboo shoots.

Breeding age

Female red pandas stop breeding after age twelve.

Love for the cold

Red pandas love snow.

They are mostly sleeping

Red pandas spend 55% of their day sleeping.

Other names

Red pandas are also called firefox, Himalayan raccoon, and bear-cat.

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International Red Panda Day

Why International Red Panda Day is Important

It raises awareness about red pandas

The day is crucial since it provides information and knowledge concerning red pandas – a species that the majority of people are not even aware of.

It talks about why they are close to extinction

International Red Panda Day discusses why these cute animals are near extinction and how they can be rescued if we all put in the additional effort.

This day discusses why they need to be rescued

On this day, multiple organizations highlight the consequences of a species going extinct from the planet and why red pandas must be preserved.

Read about various National Days here