Games Day

Games Day

What types of games are on your top list when it comes to games? What do you enjoy playing most card games, video games, or board games? Whatever it is, Games Day is the day when you can play your favorite games and have fun. Moreover, playing games is a good way to relax and spend some time with your family and friends. So, this is a great opportunity to take a break from a stressful life.

Games Day

Click here to check the 10 best board games out


Ever wondered who created Games Day? It was the British game and retail company, Games Workshop. It started by producing games that were well known in society, such as backgammon. Later, it moved on to inventing fantasy universe games. One of the games they have produced was Warhammer.

The need of creating a gaming convention that gives the participants a chance to be carefree and playful was raised in 1975. Another Games convention got canceled and thereby, someone had to fill the gap.

The very first event was held in London, on December 20, 1975. Soon, these events became popular and spread fast in UK’s gaming community. Thus, they united many people who were dedicated to expanding the nation’s gaming scene. It is no surprise that the gaming convention quickly became also popular in the US and is a perfect field for gamers to showcase their skills in the gaming industry.

Want to celebrate Games Day? This is how

Can you remember the last time you and your family or friends sat together to have fun and enjoy the evening? If it takes some time to remember, it means the time has come to do that. Games Day is the perfect opportunity to have carefree fun. You can send out invitations to as many as you like. Also, don’t forget to make a poll on the social media platform and ask people invited what kind of games they enjoy the most and choose the games based on the poll results. This way, you will be able to entertain your guests all evening or night and make the day memorable.

Games Day

If there is enough time, it would be nice to dedicate the night to different types of games. This way everyone will get a chance to take part and challenge themselves to try different things. The last thing you would want would be to let someone go home feeling disappointed. You would not want them to see their beloved Mario getting killed again and again, right?

Multiple Choice at Games Day party

People do differ and every person has different skills. Therefore, they will be good at certain things but they will not be that successful at others. A person who can’t think of many words to win Scrabble may well be very good at backgammon. In other words, you have to make sure there’s something for everyone. If you want to make the Game party even more exciting, you could organize the vintage event. You can ask your guests to bring an old Nintendo over or an older version of Trivial Pursuit.

One of the most important things at parties is food. If you do not want them to get frustrated because they are hungry, make sure to stock up on snacks, drinks, and maybe pizzas or sandwiches.

Games Day

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Traditional Games

This event started decades ago and it is regarded as a traditional day. So, why not honor it by playing different types of traditional games? Playing chess is quite an experience and it is one of the most popular games in the world. People enjoy playing chess all over the world, it is played in clubs, at home, and in tournaments. Chess has been around since the 6th century, it is a game that is based on strategy and involves two players. An interesting fact about chess is that the rules that we know of today have been in place since 1475. The first official chess tournament was held in 1886. It was Wilhelm Steinitz who won the tournament. You should give it a try and play chess if you have not tried playing it before.

The chessboard has 64 squares. The goal of chess is to be the first one to achieve checkmate. Checkmate means putting your rival’s King in a position where he is unable to escape the threat of being captured. Chess has other pieces and those include Queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and eight pawns.

Games Day

Golder Rules to play Chess

You are all set since you know the basics, let’s take a look at what the golden rules are that will help you to win the game. The first step should be moving the center pawn. It is recommended to move one of your pawns in front of either the Queen or the King. Your goal should be to control the center of the chessboard. Also, before moving a bishop you should move a knight. Several motives justify this step. Mainly it is advised to do so because knights are easier to place.

Also, knights can control squares sooner. Whereas, to be effective bishops need the pawn structure to be a certain way in order. You should also consider that in the beginning moving the same piece twice unless your position requires you to, is not a smart move. Attack those pieces that bother you the most. Your goal has to be to aim at the Queen, Castle Wall, and of course, the King. If you take out the Castle Wall and/or the Queen, you have a greater chance to win the game.

Other traditional games that can be enjoyed on Games Day are backgammon, Mah Jong, shogi, checkers, and dominos. Other cultures have games that are interesting and learning them is quite an experience.

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